Visit Job Center Site Locations to find the nearest American Job Center location for additional information or to take advantage of the following business services:

  • Job Listing by Web - Simply access the TN Employer site, Register, and Submit job openings via the Web at
  • Job Listing by Phone - You simply call in the description of jobs you need filled. We'll help you prepare your descriptions, if necessary, to enable us to send precisely the candidates you need.
  • Pre-screening Applicants - We analyze job applicants, pre-screen them for you, based on your minimum requirements, and refer qualified candidates to you.
  • On-Site Screening - We will set up on-site to take applications and perform testing for large plant openings or expansions.
  • Office Space - In some cases, we can let you use our offices and conference rooms to allow you privacy for interviewing prospective employees. Please call the American Job Center in advance to reserve these spaces.
  • Co-advertising - You can use your name in your recruitment advertising and arrange for job applicants to report to our office to fill out application forms and undergo pre-screening interviews and possible testing (this should be coordinated with the specific American Job Center prior to advertising).
  • Referral to Training - Some employers work with us to plan for their future employment needs. We refer some job applicants for specific training through the workforce development programs. These programs provide training to build a stronger workforce.

AJC Business Service Team Representatives

Shannon Willis, Business Services and Local Veterans' Employment Representative (LVER) 

Peter Brown, Business Services Tem

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